The project is a composition of re-purposed paper & plastic stripes, that intersect at various angles, creating a network of patterns. Each stripe does not exist independently; they are a unified whole, producing “the Weave”. Stripes vary in length between 15’ and 18’, and are attached to a suspended wooden structure at the ceiling and a plate at the floor level by rubber bends and paper clips. An array of stripes splays as it reaches the ground, making a passageway. Participants can interact with the Installation by entering the passageway between three planes, and look above to observe the overhead “landscape” created by the stripes. Floodlights, likely in red tone, illuminating it from above will aid the visual impact of the piece. The plastic stripes are recycled from another installation, done in the past year by Interspatial Design Collective. They are reused in a new way over the wooden structure. Non-thermal receipt paper is salvaged from a recycling bin of a restaurant. Fasteners are donated by various art-supporters.