In response to Yonge+St Clair BIA’s Call for Artists entry for Earth Month Temporary Public Art Installation, "Equilibrium" is a winning proposal that encompasses key values – animating a commercial lobby, engaging the public in raising awareness of sustainability, and using salvaged materials in a creative way. Located at 2 St Clair Ave West, Toronto, the installation is on display for six weeks, during Earth Month and afterward, serving a temporary landmark, re-energizing street life in the neighbourhood. Exploring the idea of Earth in equilibrium, the installation is comprised of clusters of linear elements, tied together by an invisible fishing line to create a network of mobiles, suspended in space, interwoven and counterbalanced. As the mobiles move due to any air movements, they create a new pattern, shifting the relationship between them, while remaining in balance. Inspired by Theory of Complexity and Punctuated Equilibrium in evolutionary biology, the intent was to create a system of networks that behave as a holistic organism, responding to outside forces – changing and adapting, while maintaining its integrity. In collaboration with Natalia Tcherniak https://www.blueprintjam.com/